Business intelligence and Analytics software for Urban Co-operative banks, Service Co-operative banks, Credit Unions
In the past few years, iCrats introduced BI and Analytics in the Co-operative banks segment have led to significant technological innovations enabling data-driven capabilities to increase growth and profitability, to lower costs and improve efficiencies,
to drive digital transformation, and support risk and regulatorycompliance priorities.
- User definable templates.
- User definable items of comparison.
- Infinite combination of items to perform comparison.
- Consolidated bank (Head Office) as well as Branch wise performance over a period.
- Enables efficient monitoring and decision making by board of directors.
- Enables efficient monitoring and timely decision making by board of directors.
- Consolidated bank (Head Office) as well as Branch wise position as on the date.
- Template based RBI statements.
- User definable head details
- Provision for retrieving previous RBI filings.
- Dynamic anytime RBI & Departmental balance Sheet with reserves, payables & receivables.
- Dynamic anytime Balance Sheet from user defined templates.
- Provision for retrieving previous Balance Sheets/template.
- Branchwise ad Consolidated R&D, General Ledger, Balance Sheet