Core Banking Locker management software for Co-operative bank
Locker management system takes care of every aspect of locker management end-to-end viz. register for a locker, issuance, virtual feel, granting access, handling duplicate key, access-log, rent management, rent collection of lockers, triggering standing
instruction, blocking defaulters accessing locker and so on.
- User definable lockers.
- User definable locker types based on cell dimensions of the defined locker.
- Locker rent definition based on Locker types.
- Provision for mapping key numbers to locker cells.
- Provision for defining Bank Locker cell in a given locker.
- Facility for Locker Rent revision.
- Locker Application processing.
- Graphical representation of locker and locker cell availability.
- Storage of standing instruction for locker rent collection.
- Locker rent notice generation.
- Automated calculation of Locker dues.
- Graphical representation of locker and locker cell status (Arrear, Joint, Disabled, Vacant, Occupied)
- Rent revisions in the period concerned are also taken into account for Rent calculation.
- Locker Transaction Log is maintained.