Business Inteligence and Analytics software for Money lenders and KML
In the past few years, iCrats introduced BI and Analytics in the Money lenders company segment have led to significant technological innovations enabling data-driven capabilities to increase growth and profitability, to lower costs and improve efficiencies,
to drive digital transformation, and support risk and regulatorycompliance priorities.
- User definable templates.
- User definable items of comparison.
- Infinite combination of items to perform comparison.
- Consolidated bank (Head Office) as well as Branch wise performance over a period.
- Enables efficient monitoring and decision making by board of directors.
- Enables efficient monitoring and timely decision making by board of directors.
- Consolidated bank (Head Office) as well as Branch wise position as on the date.
- Template based RBI statements.
- User definable head details
- Provision for retrieving previous department filings.
- Dynamic anytime Departmental balance Sheet with reserves, payables & receivables.
- Dynamic anytime Balance Sheet from user defined templates.
- Provision for retrieving previous Balance Sheets/template.
- Branchwise ad Consolidated R&D, General Ledger, Balance Sheet