Maker-checker software for Money lenders or Kerala Money lenders
The maker-checker module De-risk both cash and adjustment financial transactions from frauds. The maker initiates a transaction and the checker authorize to complete the entry. There will be two checker roles for each cash transaction - casher and officer
Transaction Processing, Journal, Bank and Daybook verification - Officer for Money lenders or Kerala Money lenders
- Passing official user interface in which details can be seen on a Daily basis.
- Cash and Transfer transactions available in separate tabs for easier verification.
- Provision for viewing Passed and Not Passed Transactions separately or together.
- Transactions can be viewed in summarized or detailed formats.
- Receipt and Payment transactions can be viewed separately or simultaneously.
- Passed / Unpassed Status of associated transactions will be set automatically when user changes status of any one transaction.
Cash Transaction Processing and Cash-book verification software for Money lenders or Kerala Money lenders
- Cashier Verification user interface in which details can be seen on a Daily basis.
- Receipt and Payment transactions available in separate tabs for easier verification.
- Provision for viewing Passed and Not Passed Transactions separately or together.
- Passed / Un passed Status of associated transactions will be set automatically when user changes status of any one transaction.
- Provision for Batch Processing of multiple vouchers to determine net payable or receivable.
- Verification - Cash Book
- Verification - Cashier Denomination
- Cashier denomination in which user only has to input Cash Taken to Counter and Counter Closing Balance.
- Cashier scroll net balances shown for easier balance determination and verification.